[Capillaroscopy, microangiopathy, and HIV. Descriptive study of capillaroscopy findings in HIV positive patients]
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Are antihistamines still used during omalizumab treatment for chronic spontaneous urticaria?
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Comparison of [18F]fluorocholine PET/CT with [99mTc]sestamibi and ultrasonography to detect parathyroid lesions in primary hyperparathyroidism: a prospective study
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Family presence during invasive procedures: a pilot study to test a tool.
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Etelcalcetide and Paricalcitol in Chronic Kidney Disease: When the Target Is Inflammation.
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Electronic Records With Tablets at the Point of Care in an Internal Medicine Unit: Before-After Time Motion Study.
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Discrepancies between erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein in non-infectious inflammatory diseases.
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Cholecystectomy 7 days vs 4 weeks after mild biliary pancreatitis; looking a decrease the incidence of persistent choledocholithiasis and ERCP: A multicentric randomized clinical trial.
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A real-life overview of a hematopoietic cell transplant program throughout a four-year period, including prospective registry, exclusion causes and final donor selection.
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Belimumab in refractory systemic lupus erythematosus pleural effusion.
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