Publicacions en revistes i llibres
- Gálvez-Barrón C, Formiga F, Rodríguez-Molinero A. Improving falls prediction by the self-perception of the risk of falling: "Do you think you may fall in the next few months?. Revista española de Geriatría y Gerontología. Jul-Ago 2021; 56(4):193-194. 34112539.
- Rudilosso S, Ríos J, Rodríguez A, Gomis M, Vera V, Gómez-Choco M, Renú A, Matos N, Llull L, Purroy F, Amaro S, Terceño M, Obach V, Serena J, Martí-Fàbregas J, Cardona P, Molina C, Rodríguez-Campello A, Cánovas D, Krupinski J, Ustrell X, Torres F, Román LS, Salvat-Plana M, Jiménez-Fàbrega FX, Palomeras E, Catena E, Colom C, Cocho D, Baiges J, Aragones JM, Diaz G, Costa X, Almendros MC, Rybyeba M, Barceló M, Carrión D, Lòpez MN, Sanjurjo E, de la Ossa NP, Urra X, Chamorro A. Effectiveness of Thrombectomy in Stroke According to Baseline Prognostic Factors: Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting Analysis of a Population-Based Registry. Journal of stroke. Septiembre 2021; Vol:23-Issue:3. 34649384.
- Rodríguez-Molinero A, Pérez-López C, Gálvez-Barrón C, Miñarro A, Rodríguez Gullello EA, Collado Pérez I, Milà Ràfols N, Mónaco EE, Hidalgo García A, Añaños Carrasco G, Chamero Pastilla A. Association between high-dose steroid therapy, respiratory function, and time to discharge in patients with COVID-19: Cohort study. Medicina Clínica (English ed.) Enero 2021; Vol:156-Issue: 1. 33263084.
- Rodríguez-Molinero A, Hernández-Vara J, Miñarro A, Pérez-López C, Bayes-Rusiñol À, Martínez-Castrillo JC, Pérez-Martínez DA. Multicentre, randomised, single-blind, parallel group trial to compare the effectiveness of a Holter for Parkinson's symptoms against other clinical monitoring methods: study protocol. BMJ open. Julio 2021. Vol:11- Issue:7. 34281918.
- Huguet S, Bernaus M, Gómez L, Cuchí E, Soriano A, Font-Vizcarra L. Role of bacterial colonisation of vancomycin-gentamicin spacers in two-stage arthroplasty revision surgery: the usefulness of spacer sonication. European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology: orthopedie traumatologie. 2021. 34677662.
- García-López J, Polanco-García M, Montes A. Factors Associated With the Risk of Developing Moderate to Severe Acute Postoperative Pain After Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: Results From the PAIN OUT Registry. The Journal of arthroplasty Vol:36- Issue:6. 2021. 33637382.
- Shull JG, Pay MT, Lara Compte C, Olid M, Bermudo G, Portillo K, Sellarés J, Balcells E, Vicens-Zygmunt V, Planas-Cerezales L, Badenes-Bonet D, Blavia R, Rivera-Ortega P, Moreno A, Sans J, Perich D, Barril S, Esteban L, Garcia-Bellmunt L, Esplugas J, Suarez-Cuartin G, Bordas-Martinez J, Castillo D, Jolis R, Salvador I, Eizaguirre Anton S, Villar A, Robles-Perez A, Cardona MJ, Barbeta E, Silveira MG, Guevara C, Dorca J, Rosell A, Luburich P, Llatjós R, Jorba O, Molina-Molina M. Mapping IPF helps identify geographic regions at higher risk for disease development and potential triggers. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.) Vol:26-Issue:42021. 33167075.
- Torrente-Segarra V, Hernández-Baldizón S, Mosquera JM, Antón J. The importance of nailfold capillaroscopy in children with rheumatic diseases. Clinical and experimental rheumatology Vol:39 Suppl 128- Issue:1. 2021. 33634782.
- Koller T, Kinast N, Castellanos AG, Garcia SP, Iglesias PP, Vintro XL, Arranz JM, Seto NV, García MVM, Moreno-Castaño AB, Aznar-Salatti J, Albaladejo GE, Diaz-Ricart M. Normalization of blood clotting characteristics using prothrombin complex concentrate, fibrinogen and FXIII in an albumin based fluid: experimental studies in thromboelastometry. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine Vol:29- Issue:1. 2021. 33836790.
- Rodríguez-Molinero A. Azithromycin: can its benefit be ruled out in mild COVID-19? The Lancet. Respiratory medicine Vol:9- Issue:10. 2021. 34252379.
- Goday A, Julià H, de Vargas-Machuca A, Pedro-Botet J, Benavente S, Ramon JM, Pera M, Casajoana A, Villatoro M, Fontané L, Bisbe M, Climent E, Castañer O, Flores Le Roux JA, Benaiges D. Bariatric surgery improves metabolic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease markers in metabolically healthy patients with morbid obesity at 5 years. Surgery for obesity and related diseases: official journal of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery Vol:17- Issue:12. 2021. 34509375.
- Torné Cachot J, Baucells Azcona JM, Blanch Falp J, Camell Ilari H. Classic fever of unknown origin: analysis of a cohort of 87 patients according to the definition with qualitative study criterion. Medicina clinica Vol:156- Issue:5. 2021. 32593415.
- Macho-Perez O, Arroyo-Huidobro M, Giménez Buendía MDC, Gálvez-Barrón C. [Does the healthcare user consider rails as physical subjugation?] Revista Española de Geriatría y Gerontología. Vol:56- Issue:1. 2021. 33081978.
- Abelenda-Alonso G, Rombauts A, Gudiol C, Oriol I, Simonetti A, Coloma A, Rodríguez-Molinero A, Izquierdo E, Díaz-Brito V, Sanmartí M, Padullés A, Grau I, Ras M, Bergas A, Guillem L, Blanco-Arévalo A, Alvarez-Pouso C, Pallarés N, Videla S, Tebé C, Carratalà J. Immunomodulatory therapy, risk factors and outcomes of hospital-acquired bloodstream infection in patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia: a Spanish case-control matched multicentre study (BACTCOVID). Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Vol:27- Issue:11. 2021. 34242804.
- Hinarejos P, Leal-Blanquet J, Fraile-Suari A, Sánchez-Soler J, Torres-Claramunt R, Monllau JC. Increased posterior translation but similar clinical outcomes using ultracongruent instead of posterior stabilized total knee arthroplasties in a prospective randomized trial. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy: official journal of the ESSKA. 2021. 34436635.
- de Miguel Negro M, González Tallada A, de Nadal M, Biarnes Suñé A, Manrique Muñoz S, Campins Martí M, Álvarez Pérez A, Castellnou Ferré J, Pedregosa Sanz A, Rouras Hurtado G, Martínez Cabañero J, Osorio Salazar E, Montero Matamala A, Saludes J, Binagui Buitureira AV, Farré Tebar C, Baumgartner Lucero ML, Cadena Serramitja M, Lacambra Basil M, Faura A, Ibáñez Trujillo NF, Delgado García R, Santiveri Papiol FJ, Escolano Villén F, Tejedor Navarro A, Deiros García C, Remartínez Fernández F, Tobito Ramírez J, Moret Ferrón ML, Salmerón Zafra Ó, Isern Domingo X, Villalba Blanco N. Pre-operative prevalence of asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 in hospitals in Catalonia during the first wave after the resumption of surgical activity. Cirugía española. 2021. 33610261.
- Pomares X, Montón C, Huertas D, Marín A, Cuevas E, Casabella A, Martí S, Oliva JC, Santos S. Efficacy of Low-Dose versus High-Dose Continuous Cyclic Azithromycin Therapy for Preventing Acute Exacerbations of COPD. Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases Vol:100- Issue:11. 2021. 34365450.
- Sabrià E, Lafuente-Ganuza P, Lequerica-Fernández P, Escudero AI, Martínez-Morillo E, Barceló-Vidal C, Álvarez FV. Development of a Third Trimester Contingent Prognostic Prediction Scheme for Suspected Early-Onset Pre-Eclampsia. Fetal diagnosis and therapy Vol:48- Issue:7. 2021. 34384075.
- Hegyi PJ, Soós A, Tóth E, Ébert A, Venglovecz V, Márta K, Mátrai P, Mikó A, Bajor J, Sarlós P, Vincze Á, Halász A, Izbéki F, Szepes Z, Czakó L, Kovács G, Papp M, Dubravcsik Z, Varga M, Hamvas J, Németh BC, Macarie M, Ince AT, Bordin DS, Dubtsova EA, Kiryukova MA, Khatkov IE, Bideeva T, Mickevicius A, Ramírez-Maldonado E, Sallinen V, Erőss B, Pécsi D, Szentesi A, Párniczky A, Tiszlavicz L, Hegyi P. Evidence for diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis after three episodes of acute pancreatitis: a cross-sectional multicentre international study with experimental animal model. Scientific reports Vol:11- Issue:1. 2021. 33446814.
- Ocskay K, Vinkó Z, Németh D, Szabó L, Bajor J, Gódi S, Sarlós P, Czakó L, Izbéki F, Hamvas J, Papp M, Varga M, Török I, Mickevicius A, Sallinen V, Maldonado ER, Galeev S, Mikó A, Erőss B, Imrei M, Hegyi PJ, Faluhelyi N, Farkas O, Kanizsai P, Miseta A, Nagy T, Hágendorn R, Márton Z, Szakács Z, Szentesi A, Hegyi P, Párniczky A. Hypoalbuminemia affects one third of acute pancreatitis patients and is independently associated with severity and mortality. Scientific reports Vol:11- Issue:1. 2021. 34921151.
- Torrente-Segarra V, Peramiquel L, Bonet M. Belimumab in subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Lupus Vol:30- Issue:12. 2021. 34284673.
- Torrente-Segarra V, Bonet M. Multifocal osteonecrosis in systemic lupus erythematosus: Two case reports and literature review. European journal of rheumatology Vol:8- Issue:1. 2021. 33164738.
- Viasus D, Simonetti AF, Estupiñan-Bohórquez AF, Carratalà J. Effects of age and comorbidities on serum levels of inflammatory markers in community-acquired pneumonia. European journal of clinical investigation Vol:51- Issue:6. 2021. 33350464.
- Samarà Piñol L, Durà MJ, Esteller E, Larrosa F. Comparison of two specific quality of life questionnaires in a paediatric population with adenotonsillar disease. Acta otorrinolaringologica espanola Vol:72- Issue:3. 2021. 32867950.
- Rodríguez-Molinero A, Pérez-López C, Gálvez-Barrón C, Miñarro A, Macho O, López GF, Robles MT, Dapena MD, Martínez S, Rodríguez E, Pérez IC. Matched cohort study on the efficacy of tocilizumab in patients with COVID-19. One health (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Vol:12. 2021. 33426262.
- de Mingo-Fernández E, Belzunegui-Eraso Á, Jiménez-Herrera M. Family presence during resuscitation: adaptation and validation into Spanish of the Family Presence Risk-Benefit scale and the Self-Confidence scale instrument. BMC health services research Vol:21- Issue:1. 2021. 33706783.
- daSilva-deAbreu A, Alhafez BA, Curbelo-Pena Y, Lavie CJ, Ventura HO, Loro-Ferrer JF, Mandras SA. Bariatric Surgery in Patients with Obesity and Ventricular Assist Devices Considered for Heart Transplantation: Systematic Review and Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis. Journal of cardiac failure Vol:27- Issue:3. 2021. 33358959.
- Gortazar L, Flores-Le Roux JA, Benaiges D, Sarsanedas E, Navarro H, Payà A, Mañé L, Pedro-Botet J, Goday A. Trends in Prevalence of Diabetes among Twin Pregnancies and Perinatal Outcomes in Catalonia between 2006 and 2015: The DIAGESTCAT Study. Journal of clinical medicine Vol:10- Issue:9. 2021. 33946383.
- Arenas Jimenez MD, González-Parra E, Riera M, Rincón Bello A, López-Herradón A, Cao H, Hurtado S, Collado S, Ribera L, Barbosa F, Dapena F, Torregrosa V, Broseta JJ, Soto Montañez C, Navarro-González JF, Ramos R, Bover J, Nogués-Solan X, Crespo M, Dusso AS, Pascual J. Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients with COVID-19, the Effect of Paricalcitol or Calcimimetics. Nutrients Vol:13- Issue:8. 2021. 34444716.
- Martí-Fàbregas J, Guisado-Alonso D, Delgado-Mederos R, Martínez-Domeño A, Prats-Sánchez L, Guasch-Jiménez M, Cardona P, Núñez-Guillén A, Requena M, Rubiera M, Olivé M, Bustamante A, Gomis M, Amaro S, Llull L, Ustrell X, Castilho de Oliveira G, Seró L, Gomez-Choco M, Mena L, Serena J, Bashir Viturro S, Purroy F, Vicente M, Rodríguez-Campello A, Ois A, Catena E, Carmen Garcia-Carreira M, Barrachina O, Palomeras E, Krupinski J, Almeria M, Zaragoza J, Esteve P, Cocho D, Moreira A, van Eendenburg C, Emilio Codas J, Pérez de la Ossa N, Salvat M, Camps-Renom P. Impact of COVID-19 Infection on the Outcome of Patients With Ischemic Stroke. Stroke Vol:52- Issue:12. 2021. 34455823.
- Torné Cachot J, García Pont J. Gastrointestinal tract diseases related to Ig G4. Medicina clinica Vol:156- Issue:2. 2021. 32165005.
- Saavedra-Perez D, Curbelo-Peña Y, Sampson-Davila J, Albertos S, Serrano A, Ibañez L, Errando X, Perez X. Management of symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular colon disease: A systematic review of diagnosis and treatment. Gastroenterologia y hepatologia Vol:44- Issue:7. 2021. 33647346.
- Valero-Jaimes JA, López-González R, Martín-Martínez MA, García-Gómez C, Sánchez-Alonso F, Sánchez-Costa JT, González-Juanatey C, Revuelta-Evrad E, Díaz-Torné C, Fernández-Espartero C, Pérez-García C, Torrente-Segarra V, Sánchez-Nievas G, Pérez-Sandoval T, Font-Ugalde P, García-Vivar ML, Aurrecoechea E, Maiz-Alonso O, Valls-García R, Miranda-Filloy JA, Llorca J, Castañeda S, Gonzalez-Gay MA. Body Mass Index and Disease Activity in Chronic Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases: Results of the Cardiovascular in Rheumatology (Carma) Project. Journal of clinical medicine Vol:10- Issue:3. 2021. 33498379.
- Sweeney D, Quinlan LR, Browne P, Counihan T, Rodriguez-Molinero A, ÓLaighin G. Applicability and tolerability of electrical stimulation applied to the upper and lower leg skin surface for cueing applications in Parkinson's disease. Medical engineering & physics Vol:87. 2021. 33461676.
- Ramos-Pachón A, García-Tornel Á, Millán M, Ribó M, Amaro S, Cardona P, Martí-Fàbregas J, Roquer J, Silva Y, Ustrell X, Purroy F, Gómez-Choco M, Zaragoza-Brunet J, Cánovas D, Krupinski J, Sala NM, Palomeras E, Cocho D, Redondo L, Repullo C, Sanjurjo E, Carrión D, López M, Almendros MC, Barceló M, Monedero J, Catena E, Rybyeba M, Diaz G, Jiménez-Fàbrega X, Solà S, Hidalgo V, Pueyo MJ, Pérez de la Ossa N, Urra X. Bottlenecks in the Acute Stroke Care System during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Catalonia. Cerebrovascular diseases (Basel, Switzerland) Vol:50- Issue:5. 2021. 34023822.
- Fernández EM, Martín GM, Herrera MJ. Family witnessed resuscitation and invasive procedures: Patient and family opinions. Nursing ethics Vol:28- Issue:5. 2021. 33325307.
- Polanco-García M, Granero R, Gallart L, García-Lopez J, Montes A. Confirmatory factor analysis of the International Pain Outcome questionnaire in surgery. Pain reports Vol:6- Issue:1. 2021. 33693302.
- Redin A, Ciruela P, de Sevilla MF, Gomez-Bertomeu F, Gonzalez-Peris S, Benitez MA, Trujillo G, Diaz A, Jou E, Izquierdo C, Perez-Moreno MO, Moraga-Llop F, Olsina M, Vinado B, Sanfeliu E, Garcia A, Gonzalez-di Lauro S, Garcia-Garcia JJ, Dominguez A, Sa-Leao R, Muñoz-Almagro C. Serotypes and Clonal Composition of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates Causing IPD in Children and Adults in Catalonia before 2013 to 2015 and after 2017 to 2019 Systematic Introduction of PCV13. Microbiology spectrum Vol:9- Issue:3. 2021. 34878302.
- Mendonça JMB, Abigalil APC, Pereira PAP, Yuste A, Ribeiro JHS. The meaning of aging for the dependent elderly. Ciencia & saude coletiva Vol:26- Issue:1. 2021. 33533862.
- Climent E, Oliveras A, Pedro-Botet J, Goday A, Benaiges D. Bariatric Surgery and Hypertension. Journal of clinical medicine Vol:10- Issue:18. 2021. 34575161.
- Rodríguez-Molinero A, Pérez-López C, Gálvez-Barrón C, Miñarro A, Rodríguez Gullello EA, Collado Pérez I, Milà Ràfols N, Mónaco EE, Hidalgo García A, Añaños Carrasco G, Chamero Pastilla A. Association between high-dose steroid therapy, respiratory function, and time to discharge in patients with COVID-19: Cohort study. Medicina clinica Vol:156- Issue:1. 2021. 33129511.
- Ramírez-Maldonado E, López Gordo S, Pueyo EM, Sánchez-García A, Mayol S, González S, Elvira J, Memba R, Fondevila C, Jorba R. Immediate Oral Refeeding in Patients With Mild and Moderate Acute Pancreatitis: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Trial (PADI trial). Annals of surgery Vol:274- Issue:2. 2021. 33196485.
- García-Azorín D, Abildúa MJA, Aguirre MEE, Fernández SF, Moncó JCG, Guijarro-Castro C, Platas MG, Delgado FR, Andrés JML, Ezpeleta D. Neurological presentations of COVID-19: Findings from the Spanish Society of Neurology neuroCOVID-19 registry. Journal of the neurological sciences Vol:423. 2021. 33636661.
